Real Crime Profile

#452: Bill Cosby Update with Nicki Weisensee Egan | Part 1



In this episode, we interview award-winning investigative journalist turned author Nicki Weisensee Egan about the latest updates regarding Bill Cosby, including six women who have filed civil suits against Cosby in New York City, one woman filed in New Jersey, another in California and a further nine women in Nevada. Nicki wrote the book 'Chasing Cosby' and hosted the podcast of the same name.To be clear, in 2018 Bill Cosby was found guilty in a criminal court of law for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand at his home (three felony counts of aggravated indecent assault). He was sentenced to three to ten years. However, he was released after serving only two years in 2021. He was not exonerated. He was never acquitted. His release had everything to do with a bizarre pre-trial procedural interpretation that his lawyers were able to convince a Pennsylvania Supreme Court to agree with, something Jim weighs in on. Cosby’s PR team and attorneys constantly try to spin the narrative on this.&nb