GOD The Father | IMAGES OF GOD (Pt. 1) | John Ortberg



How can we begin to understand a God who is beyond human comprehension? The Bible gives countless images and metaphors that depict God’s nature and character — that He is supreme, just, powerful, relatable, and approachable. One such image is God as our Father.In today’s message, special guest speaker John Ortberg will examine Bible passages revealing a Heavenly Father who created and loves us unconditionally. ---------------ABOUT IMAGES OF GODWhat comes to mind when we picture God? Some see Him as a kind old man with a big white beard sitting on a fluffy cloud. Others see Him as an angry, barrel-chested warrior ready to strike them down. Our ideas, perceptions, and notions of who God is are shaped by our culture and experiences, but do they reflect who He really is?The Bible gives countless images and illustrations that paint a picture of God’s character. Let us dig deep together into His Word to get a more accurate picture of who God really is in our new series, Images of God.Part 1: God The Father:    • GO