Skidompha Library's Owl Radio Podcasts

Blues from the Summer Room Program #06: Slide Guitar Blues



Playing the guitar with a slide on one finger was a popular technique among country blues musicians and was later taken up electric guitar players in Chicago and by blues rock performers in the US and Britain. All Blues from the Summer Room podcasts were edited and compiled by our good friend of Skidompha Library, Mark Addison. Intro from Dark Was the Night 2:20 Fallin Down Blues - Furry Lewis 5:10 Sic Em Dogs On - Bukka White 7:37 Roll and Tumble Blues - Hambone Willie Newbern 10:45 Dark Was the Night - Blind Willie Johnson 14:34 St.Louis Blues - The Genial Hawaiians 17:25 The Twelves - Kokomo Arnold 20:38 Fred’s Worried Life Blues - Mississippi Fred McDowell 23:25 Is You Ever Seen - Earl Hooker 27:07 Deep Feeling - Chuck Berry 29:25 Too Much Alcohol - J.B. Hutto 33:03 Statesboro Blues - Allman Bros. 37:25 Mean Old World - Clapton and Allman 41:17 Dance Of The Inhabitants Of The Palace Of King Philip XIV Of Spain - John Fahey 45:57 Around the Plynth - The Faces