Dr. Tommy Show

Clarence Thomas the Great, Do We Deserve the Bidens, Abortion Update, DeSantis the Leader



Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida. Back from the trip out West to the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas. Robert Plant and Allison Krauss were amazing live at the Pearl Theater. The Grand Canyon is unbelievably large. If you haven't seen it, you should put it on your trip list. Clarence Thomas wrote his own opinion while joining the majority opinion written by Chief Justice Roberts. Once again showing why he should be the Chief Justice (instead of Roberts), Clarence Thomas is at once brilliant and ferocious in his excoriation of affirmative action and Leftist elitism at large. SCOTUS breaking news: you cannot force someone to make a LGBTQ Wedding website. That it took a Supreme Court ruling to protect an individual's right to make whatever the hell kind of website they want for a living is a testament to the times we are living in. We'll take it though as we fight against the slow march to tyranny in the United States. Hunter Biden and Joe Biden taken together are about the slimiest father and son du