Your Mileage May Vary

Trans Porn Tendencies, Jackhammering, Ball Grabbing, Paying Your Spouse, Emasculating Cunnilingus



I asked ChatGPT to summarize the podcast, which it did, sort of. It started short-circuiting when I brought up the topic of trans and trans porn. Ironic, given that I wasn't really negative on it at all. It's just a taboo that can't be broken apparently. I tried to stay true to the AI's effort to transcribe in the following, even though it refused at points: In the first segment of the podcast, Mike is hosting alone as Keith is in Armenia. He discusses receiving three French books from Ally, one of which is called "Submission" by Michel Houellebecq, a novel containing some racy content involving a professor and his annual affairs with students, leading to some amusing language learning moments with his French tutor. In the second part, Mike explores the capabilities of GPT-based tools, particularly their ability to predict and generate text in a similar manner to the human brain. He also proposes a gap in the market for AI-generated literotica, and speculates on the potential for AI-generated pornography tai