Grace Hill Church - Collierville, Tn

Encountering Jesus Week 7



Join us as we delve into the encounters between Jesus and the Samaritan woman in John 4. In this episode, we'll journey alongside the Samaritan woman, whose life was forever changed by a remarkable encounter. Despite societal boundaries, Jesus defied norms, reaching out with acceptance and compassion. His love knows no limits and touches even the most broken places within us. Her past no longer defines her as Jesus reveals Himself as the Messiah. n this episode, we explore two pivotal aspects of Jesus's character. Firstly, Jesus emerges as a boundary breaker, defying social, political, and religious norms by reaching out to those despised by the religious establishment. Secondly, Jesus reveals Himself as a story changer, extending love and understanding to a woman burdened by her personal history. Witness the power of Jesus's transformative love that transcends boundaries and changes lives. As we journey through this episode, we'll explore the significance of geographic, ethnic, and gender boundaries that