Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Shrink Thyroid Nodules With These 6 Treatments



Thyroid nodules are incredibly common and impact up to 65% of people! The number of people who have thyroid nodules goes up as they age as well leaving a huge number of people with these bundles of joy toward the end of their life. Why should you care about thyroid nodules? Because sometimes (rarely) they may be cancerous. Luckily, 95% of the time they are benign and don’t do much except cause stress to the patient who has them but if they are present, you do need to keep an eye on them to make sure you aren’t one of the unlucky few who does end up with thyroid cancer over time. Because of this problem, many patients with nodules are looking for ways to shrink them so let’s talk about how that can happen right now. Here are 6 potential therapies that may help you reduce the size or eliminate your thyroid nodules but you should be aware that they don’t always work! But even if that’s the case, it’s still always a good idea to use these treatments because they won’t hurt and only have the potential to hel