Clifton Park Community Church

Faith's Menu



Luke 9-10-17,--10- On their return the apostles told him all that they -had done. And he took them and withdrew apart to a town -called Bethsaida. -11- When the crowds learned it, they followed -him, and he welcomed them and spoke to them of the kingdom -of God and cured those who had need of healing. -12- Now the -day began to wear away, and the twelve came and said to him, --Send the crowd away to go into the surrounding villages and -countryside to find lodging and get provisions, for we are here in -a desolate place.- -13- But he said to them, -You give them -something to eat.- They said, -We have no more than five loaves -and two fish-unless we are to go and buy food for all these -people.- -14- For there were about five thousand men. And he -said to his disciples, -Have them sit down in groups of about fifty -each.- -15- And they did so, and had them all sit down. -16- And -taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven -and said a blessing over them. Then he broke the loaves and gave -