Quantum Conversations: With Karen Curry Parker

Love and Evolution with Paul and Layne Cutright



It’s interesting and a little bit ironic that, in spite of our enlightened awareness of the power of love and compassion, we still can struggle mightily in our personal relationships. In my years as working as a psychic medium, one of the most common and often most charged questions people would ask me was, “Is the person I’m dating my soulmate?” Soulmate. What a super charged word. We say the word soulmate and we have fantasies of the perfect relationship with the partner who is our mirror twin, someone who never says “no” to us, never challenges us and gives us a totally perfect union. No fighting. No power struggles. No leaving towels on the floor. It’s interesting that many of us embrace the idea that we need struggle as part of our soul path. Struggle helps us discover what’s truly valuable in life and the depths of our capability and power. But when we struggle in our relationships, we very easily slip into the old pattern of blaming our partner. She’s not “the one”. He’s not my soul mate…. He’s not on