Peace In My Pocket Guided Meditations

Episode 24 - Fast Anxiety Fix



Welcome to Episode 24 of Peace in my Pocket Meditation Podcast. I am Cheryne and thank you for listening. Today’s meditation is one of my favourite techniques to clear out nervousness or anxiety from my body. Anxiety can be debilitating. I know because I have lived with anxiety for a large part of my life. To treat anxiety we need to understand emotion. Emotion can be seen as Energy in Motion. Stressful or negative thoughts generate emotion in the body. If that emotion is not released through crying, expression or exercise then it gets stored in the body as energy. That energy we feel is what we label anxiety or nervousness. It presents itself as symptoms such as a feeling of restlessness, nervousness, fluttering of the heart or tightness in the belly. Of these are signs of trapped energy in the body. This meditation is a great technique to get into your body and find the energy that is trapped within causing anxiety symptoms. Once you clear your body of this energy, you can return to a calm body and a still