The Allan Mckay Podcast

409 - From Self-Doubt to Self-Discovery: Pursuing Your Personal Legend



In his book THE ALCHEMIST, Paolo Coelho talks about a Personal Legend. So many people give up just moments before they reach their own Personal Legend. After a while, if you aren’t getting the desired goal, it’s hard to convince yourself not to give up. It’s especially hard when other people are telling you to give up.  Insecure people lash out at people who are more accomplished or ambitious, or courageous. They’re intimidated by someone who rubs them the wrong way. This also applies to new tools or technology. These days, it’s a common reaction toward AI. So many people fear that AI will take over their jobs. Instead, they can choose to get new skills and get in front of this innovation.  You’re the one choosing your outlook: Rather than seeing someone as a threat – you can see them as an ally. Rather than seeing innovation as a threat – you can see it as an opportunity. Nothing worth doing comes easy. It’s always darkest before dawn. But once you’ve earned your place, the success is so much sweeter.