Madison Church

Pray Like This... (Part 1) | Adoration | Stephen Feith



All of us have skills or abilities we wish we had. This includes the disciples of Jesus. We see all over the Gospels the disciples coming to Jesus and asking specifically for him to teach them something. The one we will talk about for the next month and a half throughout this Lent season is when they asked Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1)The disciples wanted to pray better. They’ve seen Jesus go away to pray often and have witnessed many signs, wonders, and miracles. This has prompted them to say they want to pray like him. They say, teach us how to pray.Prayer is a core practice for followers of Jesus. And yet, it’s something that many of us struggle to do regularly. We want to pray more, so why don’t we? It could be because you don’t know where to start. How do we know if we’re doing it? We’re distracted. We can be encouraged today by the disciples’ questions because they also knew what it was like to be busy.Jesus responds to their question in Matthew 6:9-13, “Pray like this: Our heavenly Father