Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

EP 321: Between Your Dreams and Success



Hey, Sheevaun Moran here Driving For Your Success and today's topic is about Bridging the Gap. So you're here yet you want to be way over here and there's a cavern in between and that Cavern is big and scary and filled with danger and filled with the unknown. Bridging that gap for somebody who wants transformation and takes a step is often that they get really close and then they don't want to take that next step and the next step and the next step and maybe that's not you. Maybe you're the kind who takes that next step and next step and Next Step. The people that tend to work with me are the people who want to take the step and the next step and the next step one of the stories recently is about somebody who took up one of my courses a long time ago and they did the work and listened to the course and did the work and here they are a few years later calling and saying I'm ready for my next step. Maybe that's you, it doesn't have to be as instant as all of these internet marketing things say um heck you can't