Work From Your Happy Place With Belinda Ellsworth

From Side Hustles to Entrepreneurship: Renee's Journey to Creating Events



In this episode Belinda interviews Renee Patrone Rhinehart, an event planner and entrepreneur. Renee shares her struggles with showcasing her work as an event planner, and how she overcame the challenge through social media promotion and networking. She emphasizes the importance of talking about your clients and goals to find opportunities. Renee also shares her experience of rebuilding her team during the pandemic and staying relevant with her client base through social media and email blasts.Belinda and Renee discuss the challenges of being a female entrepreneur and taking risks, and the impact of COVID-19 on their businesses. Renee shares her advice for entrepreneurs to not solely rely on their businesses for income and to have businesses on the side. She also discusses the opportunities for women in the field and the importance of remaining positive and patient during difficult times.Tune in to learn from Renee's expertise in event planning, business development, and her insights on being an entrepreneur.