Blue Skies

Music Monday: Jesus Saves



Well, it’s Tuesday again - good grief! We are in VBS this week and yesterday just got away from me - so, alas, it’s Tuesday and I’m just now getting around to Music Monday, even though it’s Tuesday, I still need to do Music Monday - on Tuesday - yeah. Last week I featured a hymn that we put a little pizzazz into - Come Thou Fount. I got some positive comments about it, so figured why not feature another one?? I did this arrangement with my Flugelhorn friend, Lynn Nash some months ago. Ultimately I sent the arrangement to my son, Matt, and he sent back some pretty cool stuff. This arrangement, is the :before I sent it to Matt” arrangement - if that makes sense. After all it’s Tuesday and this is a Music Monday, on Tuesday, even though it’s a Music Monday . . . . .. on Tuesday . . . Here’s Jesus Saves! With a little pizzazz . . . . .. on Tuesday.