This Endolife

Try This Super Simple Hack to Lessen Cramping Severity



This short episode is a really practical one and full disclaimer, this is one based on personal experience (and clinical experience, with my clients), rather than something that is evidence based and proven. If you’re someone who gets a lot of pain on your period with endometriosis, try this very, very simple hack: sit up. So, let me elaborate. Many years ago, after much trial and error, I realised that when I lay down totally flat on my period during a peak in pain, the cramping worsened, and when I sat upright, it began to ease off. Now, let me be clear, I don’t mean it eradicated the pain, but it took the edge of those very violent cramps and seemed to lessen their intensity. At the time, I didn’t know why it worked as I wasn’t qualified back then, I just knew it helped. Fast forward to me being a health coach, and I have some theories. A pelvic floor physio could probably explain this properly, but this isn’t an interview episode and nor is it one of my long hour-long episodes with lots and lots of resear