Christopher Lochhead Follow Your Different

323 Being Different, Raising Different Kids with Kayla Taylor, Bestselling Author of Canaries Among Us



The most powerful thing you can be is 100% yourself, and specifically be the things that make you different, yet uniquely you. But we live in a world that values sameness that drives conformity, that lack of openness to different can cause significant problems for adults, and even more so for kids. We discuss all these and more with our guest, Kayla Taylor. Kayla Taylor is the author of Canaries Among Us, a Mother's quest to honor her child's individuality in a culture determined to negate it. If you're different, you love someone who's different, or have a child in your life who's different. You're going to love this conversation with Kayla. Pay special attention to the part of this dialogue about how we're all grappling with being caring and sensitive to the needs of others and on the other hand, not being so overly careful that we can't say anything to anybody about anything for fear of being criticized or canceled. You’re listening to Christopher Lochhead: Follow Your Different. We are the real dialogu