Go Natural English Podcast | How To Speak Fluent English

Fluency Comes from Relaxing and Enjoying English



Have you ever tried to pick up a new skill and find yourself getting frustrated because you didn’t get it as quickly as you thought you should? Well, can be a common occurrence in language learning because there is so much to take in.   If you are making yourself tense because you’re not becoming fluent in English as fast as you would like, maybe you’re trying too hard. In this podcast episode, Gabby talks about a time when she was trying to learn a new skill – scuba diving – and how she made herself relax so she could actually enjoy the experience of learning the sport. Gabby explained that learning English could bring about the same anxieties and frustrations, and the way to overcome that is to relax, take a breath, and enjoy the English language journey. You will find that you learn more, and that you learn quicker if you are able to have fun along the way.   Learning English is a new skill, and it requires the same effort as learning any other skill. Don’t get nervous, or anxious, and certainly don’t hype