Go Natural English Podcast | How To Speak Fluent English

What to do when you realize you made a grammar mistake – How to Speak Fluent English



Making mistakes while speaking in a foreign language can be terribly embarrassing and even upsetting. We have all made mistakes ranging from the simple ones that didn’t affect much to the really, really big ones that make your eyes wide and your heart beat faster.   Learning English is no different. There is a lot of room for human error, and we can generally open our mouths, and before we know it, we say something that we don’t even mean. Sometimes we don’t even realize we made a mistake until some points it out to us.   In this English tip, Gabby, explains that in most cases, it’s OK. Native speakers usually understand what you meant to say and are not offended. In the off chance that they didn’t understand what you meant, they will usually ask you to either repeat it, or explain what you intended to say.   For more tips like this, be sure to visit gonaturalenglish.com and see all the helpful tips that Gabby has for you. You will be glad you did.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9guf_U0CLFI   Episode trans