Go Natural English Podcast | How To Speak Fluent English

Got to Know – Understand a Common Phrasal Verb in American English



How did you get to know about Go Natural English? No matter how you learned of it, it is a great place to improve your English language fluency. “Got to know” is one of those phrases that does not necessarily translate word-for-word but is often used to express how someone learned of something or somebody.   You will often hear people say, “I got to know about the American sport of baseball when I was living in the United States.” You could hear phrases such as, “I got to know Kenji very well while living and studying in Osaka, Japan.” “Got to know” is such a versatile phrase and one that you should try to use in conversational English.   Tips like this can be found at gonaturalenglish.com where Gabby Wallace provides many opportunities to learn English tips and improve your language fluency. Visit gonaturalenglish.com and pick up your free eBook just for visiting the site.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJxZNOHRfl4   Episode transcript below:   Hey! What’s up? Welcome to Go Natural English. I have a quick