Go Natural English Podcast | How To Speak Fluent English

Speak Fluent English and Make Your English Telephone Conversations Better in 2 Minutes



Speaking on the telephone or on Skype in a foreign language has to be one of the most terrifying things you can do. Speaking to someone who keeps quiet and does not say anything makes you feel even unsure of yourself. You begin to wonder if you’ve said something wrong, or are not being understood.   If a non-native English speaker is speaking with you in English, try to make them feel at ease. Give them positive feedback as they speak (without interrupting them). You should use comments such as “yes, I see” or “I know what you mean”, or even just “uh huh” to let them know that you are listening and understanding what they are saying to you. It makes the conversation flow better, and makes both of you feel better.   Tips like this one can be found at gonaturalenglish.com where you can also learn how to improve your English language grammar and spelling skills as well as speaking and listening. Gabby Wallace is there to support you along your English language journey.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwcPOSHuD