Go Natural English Podcast | How To Speak Fluent English

3 Biggest Mistakes Often Made When Talking About Yourself in English



Have you ever had to interview for a job where you were asked to talk about yourself? Many people find this awkward because they are uncomfortable boasting about themselves. The key is to be able to speak confidently about your abilities and how you can contribute value to the new company, without making claims that are not quite true.   You don’t want to exaggerate your skills but you do want to explain them strongly and accurately. Most people undersell themselves because they feel that their accomplishments are not that impressive. If you really want the new job, you have to be able to impress your new boss with the projects and contributions that you can successfully complete, thereby adding value to the new company.   In this English language tip Gabby discusses that very issue and provides useful advice on how to handle those types of situations. For further advice and support, be sure to visit gonaturalenglish.com and think about subscribing to the premium course to improve your English language fluenc