Go Natural English Podcast | How To Speak Fluent English

Native English Answer: What’s the Difference Between Being and Been?



Are you being faithful and persistent in your English-learning journey? Have you been pushing yourself to listen and hear as much spoken English as you possibly can? Learning English is hard enough but mastering it takes an extra effort. The good news is you can do it. Don’t give up!   It takes a bit of work to understand tenses in English because English is such a descriptive language. In Gabby’s English tips such as this one, she explains how to have a better understanding of the grammar and usage of all the parts of speech in American English. We have been working hard to provide excellent materials and support to assist you on your quest to learn English.   To have a full understanding of English you should read and listen to native English speakers. This will allow you to better grasp sentence structure and the flow of the words. Remember also, the premium Go Natural English course provides many more resources to help you. Get involved in the conversations and practice speaking English as often as you ca