Go Natural English Podcast | How To Speak Fluent English

The First Thing You Need for Fluency in English



  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5hdCi9cZK0   Episode transcript below:   Hey! How are you doing? In this episode of Go Natural English, I’m going to share a number one thing that you need for English fluency. The first thing that you need first and foremost is not a textbook. It’s not even a lesson. What you need to know is why you are learning English. I help you to understand what you need to say in English, how you should say it, how you can learn English, but what I can’t tell you is why you are learning English. That has to come from inside you. And I want to know what is your reason why you want English fluency. This is so important for you to think about and to know, because it will keep you motivated, it will keep you going when English becomes challenging. And let’s face it, English can be really challenging. So, we have to ask ourselves why do we want to be fluent in English. I receive thousands of e-mails from people asking me, ‘Gabby, how do I become fluent in English?’ And I’m happy to help yo