Go Natural English Podcast | How To Speak Fluent English

10 Phrasal Verbs You Need to Know for Fluency in English



  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRBaEM3ngCc   Hey there! What’s up? Welcome to Go Natural English. I’m here with you today on my porch. It’s a beautiful evening. It’s a great time to talk about how you can improve your English fluency with the top 10 phrasal verbs. So, I’d like to share these with you. I’m not holding back any secrets. These are the top ten phrasal verbs that you need to know and examples of each. Now, first of all a phrasal verb is a verb plus a preposition. And often in English, that preposition will change the meaning of the verb. So, for example, ‘get’ usually means ‘to receive something’. But, for example, if I say, ‘Get out,’ it means ‘Leave, exit.’ So, the meaning is different. I think you can see how a phrasal verb is different. And what’s really special and interesting about phrasal verbs is that native speakers use them all the time. We use them a lot more than a more formal version of the verb, like ‘leave’. I would tell my friend ‘Get out,’ I wouldn’t say ‘Leave.’ Well, that wou