Go Natural English Podcast | How To Speak Fluent English

How to Stay Young and Smart by Learning a Second Language



  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TR_yTBu54I   Episode transcript below: Hey! What’s going on? Did you know that learning English as a second language can actually keep you smarter and younger? You know, I believe in working out. I go to the gym, I work out! But did you know that learning a second language is like a workout for your brain? And that keeps you smart and it keeps you young over the years. So, learning English as a second language is, of course, really good for your professional life, your career. It’s great for your social life. It can help you make friends when you travel, or in your hometown with other English speakers. So, English is pretty awesome for a lot of reasons. But I wonder if you ever considered that it’s good for your brain. Science tells us that there’s several reasons why learning a second language, such as English as a second language, is really good for your brain. So, let me share those four reasons with you. Before I forget, I want to let you know that if you are an English