Prepping Academy

Hurricanes, Surviving and Thriving!



Hurricanes can affect everyone and no matter where you live there are things you can do to prepare for the next big one. For those that live in the areas that are prone to hurricanes and tropical storms, planning and preparedness is a necessity. Planning and getting prepared will look different to each individual and family but there will be some basics that will apply to everyone. We will talk about the basics but this show will be more about planning to thrive during a hurricane not just survive. Of course we will talk about the many “check-list” you can find on the net but we will go a few steps into the advance planning as well. Check out the Red Cross and for a lot of great information and check list.So… You don’t live in a hurricane prone area? Hurricanes can still have a big impact on you and your family, job and church. We will discuss how to plan for your family, neighbors and possible family members in the ground zero of an on coming hurricane. Supplies are always good but most of the time