Prepping Academy

No skills when SHTF, what’s your worth?



This week on the “The Prepping Academy” Forrest and Tenderfoot are going to be discussing if you have not skills during a SHTF scenario you are worthless to others. This will be hard for some to take but it’s true.Preppers have a bad reputation for hoarding gear, stocking up on a year’s-worth (or more) of food, and packing bug out bags that could supply a platoon. In almost all cases, these preppers would be screwed if there were a disaster or SHTF. Gear and supplies are useless unless you still have it when you need it, and know how to use them.The precept of knowledge weighing nothing has been a long-term idea in my thinking. I love learning how to do things and how to adapt my surroundings by adapting what I have available for new purposes. Also, if something like a regional disaster hits your area, you may be surviving with only what you have on you at that moment and all that stuff you collected will be useless. So Knowledge and Skills are King.Skills won’t run out, and in a prolonged emergency that make