Prepping Academy

Kyle and Forrest - Conspiracy Theories, World Events and Preparedness



The Prepping Academy August 28th, 2020Forrest & Kyle discuss current events, the latest “conspiracy theories,” and what’s coming through the rest of this year.As we head in to fall things politically are heating up across America. The people have been primed and polarized for years and the beginnings of a civil war seems imminent. Forrest and Kyle discuss their experiences thus far with COVID19, what they could’ve done differently, and what’s the next step.A key point discussion for this episode is the #WhiteHouseSiege planned for September 17th. Organized by the same folks that did Occupy Wallstreet, it’s set to last 50 days, and go through the elections. As Kyle has said in the past, if an “Egyptian Revolution” model is followed it will spell out big trouble for our nation post-election. Leading up to the election we believe you will start to see these key focuses in media:-  Police brutality.-  Electoral fraud. -  High unemployment. -  Living wage/low minimum wage. -  Food inflation. -  Political censo