Prepping Academy




This week on “The Prepping Academy” Forrest and Kyle talk crypto. What the heck is it and why would you invest? First and foremost, do you have food, water, and supplies for an emergency? No? Then stop. Crypto isn’t going to save your life. Neither will gold, or silver in a grid down, or WROL society. One of the most common misconceptions revolving around silver and gold is that they will be the currency in a grid down, or major event. That fact is completely false. If you’re a Christian making the argument for gold and silver let me redirect your attention to Ezekiel 7:19. If you’re not religious and you’re just investing let me explain. No nation which has deviated from a gold and silver standard has ever returned to one. If there is a full-scale market crash you’d be waiting on the devaluation of the dollar for your precious metals to be worth anything. By the time that happens violence will be the norm, supplies and goods won’t be circulating, and no one is going to give you a fair market for an ounce of