Prepping Academy

Launch Party / Introduction



Preparedness Academy podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in prepping, wilderness survival, and self-sufficiency. Every episode dives deep into an important preparedness topic, such as food storage and emergency preparedness, and provides in-depth analysis and helpful advice. The podcast is hosted by UncleBuck, a preparedness novice (on the fast track) and former Naval Officer, and Forrest, an experienced preparedness expert, author, and podcaster. The two of them provide a wealth of knowledge and experience that is invaluable to the listener. The Preparedness Academy podcast covers a variety of topics, from basic to advanced. It is especially useful for those just getting started in prepping, as the hosts provide an in-depth overview of the basics, from what supplies to have on hand in an emergency to how to build an effective bug-out bag. They also provide more advanced topics, such as tips for surviving in an urban environment, foraging for food, and building a sustainable homestead. Overall, Unc