Prepping Academy

Preparedness Training Plans



UncleBuck and Forrest stress the importance of having a preparedness plan that covers everything from developing the proper skills and knowledge to stocking up on supplies. They believe that having a plan is essential for any survival situation and that a well-crafted plan can make all the difference in an emergency. They also point out that a plan should include the ability to access resources quickly and safely, such as having a safe storage location for supplies, a well-stocked first aid kit, and a plan for communication. Furthermore, they suggest that having a plan should also include practice drills to ensure that everyone in the family or group is aware of their roles and responsibilities. This helps to ensure that everyone is prepared and knows what to do in the event of an emergency. Overall, Uncle Buck and Forrest emphasize the importance of having a well-crafted preparedness plan, and they offer valuable advice on how to create one. Their podcast is a great resource for anyone looking to be prepared