Marketing Today With Alan Hart

21: For modern American luxury brand Shinola, there’s no place like home



Meaning is the new luxury. It's not logos and labels but products that are made with thought and care — products that are authentic with great stories to tell, according to Bridget Russo, chief marketing officer at Shinola. “We've learned that place matters. For us, our home is Detroit. That story of provenance adds depth to our brand. But it has to be real. It's about finding out what the true, authentic story is and showing that it has greater impact than just selling product,” she said.Her leadership has helped Shinola position itself as a modern American design brand and a catalyst for economic revitalization. The company reported $100 million in revenue last year, up from $20 million in 2013.Highlights from this week's “Marketing Today with Alan Hart” podcast include:How Shinola and the city of Detroit worked together to bring a new luxury product to market. (4:45)How Shinola is constantly breaking new ground while not forgetting its historical products. (6:59