Marketing Today With Alan Hart

22: MikMak and Rachel Tipograph are shaking up the world of millennial marketing



Rachel Tipograph left her role as global director of digital and social media at Gap after a conversation with her boss where she asked, “How do we drive sales on the web, not annoy people, and even make Gap cool again at the same time?” His reply: “If you figure that out, that's a billion-dollar idea.”That conversation coupled with her recognition of the seismic upheaval underway in the digital marketing landscape led to the creation of MikMak — the first mobile video shopping network. Hailed as QVC for the Snapchat generation, MikMak works with brands to create short, shoppable, “minimercials” — all hosted by improv comedians. And it operates under the mantra of Watch – Laugh – Shop.Highlights from this week's “Marketing Today” podcast include:Two factors that helped launch MikMak — the explosion of influencer marketing and the unbundling of media. (3:10)Why e-commerce shopping should feel more like Netflix and Snapchat than Amazo