Marketing Today With Alan Hart

31: U.S. Olympic Committee CMO Lisa Baird is in it for the long run



Lisa Baird was named CMO of the United States Olympic Committee in 2009. Prior to that, she served in brand and marketing roles for Proctor & Gamble, GM, IBM and the NFL, among others. With the Olympic Games occurring years apart, Lisa touches on how she maintains focus on long-term marketing goals: “The better and more articulate and more precise your mission and your purpose is — that needs to act as your long-term guide, says Baird. “You should measure everything you do against ‘Are you fulfilling that mission and purpose?' … Putting the right measurements in place for the long term help you to keep that true north on your compass.”But even though her goals invariably seem to reside on a distant horizon, she avoids the predictive, instead focusing on something she believes will remain constant: “Marketers who always focus on their customers' or their stakeholders' problems — and listen to them and solve their problems — will always win.”