Marketing Today With Alan Hart

80: David Baldwin is “a creative guy with options”



This week on “Marketing Today,” Alan talks with David Baldwin, CEO of Baldwin&, an advertising, design and strategy company in Raleigh, North Carolina. Baldwin is also the CMO of Ponysaurus Brewing Company, a film producer and, most recently, an author. His book, “The Belief Economy — How to Give a Damn, Stop Selling, and Create Buy-in,” takes a look at the seismic shift occurring in the marketing landscape and how brands can reach the next generation of influencers.During the course of the podcast, he offers his take on Millennials and iGen, who he sees as the key players in The Belief Economy, “We better figure out what they're about, we better figure out how they're wired, and we better figure out how to change the way we talk to them.” He goes on to add, “If you are being true to who you are, and you're smart about getting aligned with the people out there who love that, I think you can win.”As to why this book and why now, he says, “I'm a ca