Pixels & Ink

Pixels & Ink Podcast: Episode 425 – Showcase Breakdown Session



Last week on the Pixels & Ink Podcast Brendan, Chris, Dayna, and Jordan chatted about their Summer Game Fest and Summer Showcase predictions! This week, some of our dreams came true! The team jumps into the first Summer Game Fest showcase talking about their favourite announcements. A release date for Marvel's Spider-Man 2, Alan Wake 2, Prince of Persia, Nic Cage, and showcase-ception kept viewers on their seats, but not every game packed a punch. Stay tuned for some coverage directly from the showcase on CGMagazine and Pixels & Ink in the near future! The Xbox Game Showcase blew Dayna away as they kicked off with the long-awaited Fable trailer. Spoiler alert: she cried. Forza Motorsport is looking slick with its new ray-tracing capabilities, and South of Midnight has Brendan very curious. Of course, we had to chat about Final Fantasy XVI, even though it wasn't officially part of the show, too!