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#222 Colin Heaton: Trump, WW3, putin, President Xi, Reparations and Wokeness



Colin D. Heaton is a professor of history, military history, and sociology at the American Military University and the author of three books and numerous articles on World War II. He lives in Southport, NC.GUEST'S LINKS:IMDB https://www.imdb.com/name/nm12362822/... TIMELINE:0:00 Intro5:10 Reparations33:55 Dear Globalists, we will reduce emissions if you sell your private jets41:10 WW3, Trump and China50:25 President Xi is the most dangerous type of advesary58:15 Would President Trump have stopped putin?1:01:15 Obama let Crimea be taken1:08:15 Would russia go nuclear?1:16:59 Reparations for lockdown1:19:59 Disband the UN?