Rocky Mountain Christian Church

What Happens in Corinth: Gifts of the Spirit | June 18, 2023 - Matt Cote



The gift of speaking in tongues is a topic that has stirred controversy within the church, but its origin story is deeply intertwined with the early days of Christianity. In the Corinthian church, which faced various issues including division and confusion over spiritual gifts, the Apostle Paul addresses the misuse of speaking in tongues. While the gift itself is a personal language of prayer given by God through the overflow of the Holy Spirit, Paul emphasizes that love is the greater gift and the primary evidence of the Holy Spirit's presence. Paul stresses the significance of presenting the Gospel in a language visitors can comprehend, as speaking in tongues without interpretation may lead outsiders to perceive it as madness. Instead, Paul encourages believers to use their diverse gifts to build up the body of Christ and demonstrate love to others.