Htw With Zoe And Erica

151. Your Energy Forecast for 2023 with Intuitive Natalie Miles



Spoiler alert for 2023: We’re screwed. Who is Natalie Miles? She's an acclaimed channel, psychic medium, and author of the best selling book "You Are Intuitive.  Trust Your Truth.  Take Back Your Power."  And she is lovely! She's informed, and she's frighteningly precient. Her intuitive energy forecasts have reached millions of people globally via her YouTube channel, inspiring and guiding others to navigate the themes we face personally and as a collective on our planet. Soooooo Natalie's got some big predictions for the year but also some practical advice. The big message is that we need to stop planning and trying to control the future, and focus on the present and put in the hard work.  We also asked her about a big prediction she made recently, and guess what? She called it! So, if you're looking for some real insight and a little bit of hope, you should definitely check out her one-on-one and collective sessions. But in the meantime, buckle up and get ready for the wild ride