Disruptive Ceo Nation

Jonathan Ogurchak - Co-Founder & CEO, STACK



Sometimes we meet entrepreneurs who amaze us and Jonathan Ogurchak, the Co-founder and CEO of http://stackpharmacy.com/, is one of those people. Jonathan stepped away from a lucrative career as a pharmacist to build a platform that could transform the way #pharma business gets done, and he did so as a father of two children with one on the way and he literally started this great business in his garage (and here we must pause for quick salute to his wonderful wife).   In this episode, we hear the #startup story of Stack, a compliance management software designed to simplify the “outside of the dispense” complexities associated with running successful pharmacy organizations; however, the principles and functions of the STACK information ecosystem principles can translate to multiple industries.  Jonathan is also Managing Partner of Rhythm Group, a consulting and technology solutions organization, and is a Certified Consultant with Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC). Jonathan has designed programs a