Business Confidential Now With Hanna Hasl-kelchner

How to Continuously Thrive Amid Uncertainty



Thrive Amid UncertaintyHow to thrive amid uncertainty is a perennial question. Add a financial crisis or a health crisis like Covid to the mix and you’ve really got a hot mess on your hands.So how do you keep your head up and continuously thrive amid uncertainty? Meridith Elliott Powell, author of Thrive: Strategies to Turn Uncertainty into Competitive Advantage, offers insights based on her research of the oldest, continuously running businesses on the planet.What You’ll Discover About How to Thrive Amid Adversity (highlights & transcript):HIGHLIGHTSCLICK HERE FOR AUDIO TRANSCRIPT* Inspiration for Meridith’s book Thrive [01:25]* 9-Step strategy necessary to thrive amid uncertainty [03:39]* How to focus on opportunities and thrive amid uncertainty [09:44]* Role of relentless vision to thrive amid uncertainty [10:57]* Researching the businesses who thrive amid uncertainty [15:33]* What today’s businesses need to focus on the thrive amid uncertainty [19:32]* The role of luck in business [22:0