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117 | The Red Thread Model Every Leader Should Know | Sonya Shelton



Are leaders blaming employees for their own failures? In today's rapidly changing corporate landscape, establishing a strong company culture is more important than ever. Companies that fail to create a sense of purpose and passion risk losing talented employees and alienating consumers. That's where Sonya Shelton comes in. As the CEO and founder of Executive Leadership Consulting, Sonya helps fast-growth companies connect their business strategy with their company culture to maintain growth. In this episode, Sonya provides practical insights into the importance of empowering employees, promoting collaboration, and clarifying internal communications and shares the leadership model that all leaders should be aware of, the Red Thread model. Key discussions include: An introduction to Sonya Shelton The triangle of culture, leadership and strategy How leaders can help employees align with business strategies The pandemic wake-up call: the connection to purpose The five P’s of the Red Thread Leadership Model The p