Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

EP 319: Get Out of Your Own Way



Everyone Sheevaun Moran here Driving for Your Success and today's topic is about getting out of your own way when you get stuck in an idea that you don't want to do something you don't want to learn something you don't want to know how you shouldn't need to know it should be different is the place that you're going to find is important to shift from so let me give you an example I have a client who I suggested that they get in touch with their team members in a town hall a weekly video something that was a little bit more intimate and as they were approaching the idea of selling their business they said well no that's not what their uh m a group suggested they do but in fact as it turned out it's the thing that was essential and needed in order to get everybody living to the potentiality of what they could in making tales and delivering results and so his resistance to taking that action that I don't want to I shouldn't have to I'm going to encourage you to think about well what are you saying in your life wh