Christ Church Jerusalem

Colossians: Walk Worthy Of The Lord | Chapter 3:12-25



Paul encourages the Colossians to “Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus”. Does this give us permission to do as we like, as long as it is in the name of Jesus? Drive out the infidels! … in the name of Jesus. Do as I say, woman! … in the name of Jesus. Absolutely not, we are to be compassionate, kind, humble, meek and patient. Wives and Husbands, children and parents, even bond-servants and masters are all to bear with one another, love one another, forgive one another, even as–and this is where it gets difficult to do things in the name of, or in the authority of Jesus–even as the Lord has forgiven you. If we truly want our families and societies to thrive, perhaps we should start by following these commands.