Voice Of Breakthrough With Cyndi Foster

Episode 255: Light Runs Into The Darkness



Are you understanding how the Covenant relationship with God is a guarantee that He will perform the promises He has given to you as a true Believer. Now is the season to pick up where the Jesus Movement left off.  Consumed with death in our culture.  Breaking off gender confusion. How can you distinguish if you are dealing with a personality issue or a demonic spirit? What’s Going on in you? Lonnie Frisbee did not find healing from his father’s abuse and paid painful circumstances.  Adam and Eve were the only ones created perfect but they fell into relationship idolatry and pride.  Jesus is the Creator and the Perfect One. How can God fix your marriage? Aren’t you tired of doing it your way, Jesus died to do it His way. Your need for the Holy Spirit. Freedom to be lead into the Spirit. What is torment?  Conversations in your head is demonic. What is the only thing to fear? Prideful is trying to do what God is suppose to do . Pray for you to get free from fear, before you intercede for others.  How to heal ou