Real Crime Profile

#449: Interview with "Victim/Suspect" Reporter Rae de Leon and Director Nancy Schwartzman | Part 2



Jim and Laura continue their conversation with investigative journalist Rae de Leon and filmmaker Nancy Schwartzman who disclose even more shocking details not shown in their new documentary “Victim/Suspect”. You will not believe the rest of the story in Dynanie Bermeo’s case regarding a suspect who police refused to investigate in her sexual assault. Nancy asks Jim and Laura for their take on reasons for the persistent obfuscation and lack of accountability by the law enforcement departments covered in the documentary. #netflix #victimsuspect #sexualassault #believevictims #centerforinvestigativereporting #EmmaMannion #DyanieBermeo #MeganRondini #NikkiYovino #RachelDeLeon #NancySchwartzman #documentary #filmmaker #crime #ExpertAnalysis #FBI #Profilers #NewScotlandYard #CriminalBehaviorAnalysts #DoYourDamnJob If you are a victim of sexual assault (in the U.S.) PLEASE call 800.656.HOPE (4673) to be connected with a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your area.https://www.r