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LABELS - pt2 - Mourning In Style



In “Mourning In Style”, Rodney shares that Jesus tells us true comfort is found through mourning. For someone to mourn or lament means they feel guilt, sadness, deep sorrow, and grief. It refers to a person who will even manifest their grief with wailing and outward expressions that cannot be hid. The scriptures indicate that we should mourn over our personal afflictions and troubles. We should grieve with deep sadness the sins of others and the world. The depth of depravity that we witness and hear about daily is alarming. Even the church is not immune to sins reach. The rise of an apostate church is leading many astray from the genuine Christian faith. Most importantly, we are to mourn for our own sin. Our sin continually reminds us of our personal inadequacy’s, but thank God! The answer to our finding comfort for our mind and soul is found in Jesus Christ our Lord. True repentance brings about comfort. Coming into agreement with what God has said about our condition. Worldly sorrow produces a false sense o