Iron Culture

Ep. 226 - How Strong Do You Need To Be, Really? (Feat Dr Pak)



Patroklos Androulakis-Korakakis, AKA “Dr. Pak”, is back! In this episode we caught up with Dr. Pak while he was visiting Omar’s home turf in Toronto! There they trained together, and after a crappy training session where they failed PR attempts, they decided to have a completely unrelated episode on why strength is overrated. No, but seriously folks, this is a great discussion of specificity and transfer of strength. We discuss research that suggests maybe going from a 300lbs to a 400 or 500lbs deadlift won’t actually improve performance in most sports, or certainly activities of daily living. This leads into a discussion of how gaining strength at a novice or intermediate level may require different efforts and strategies, and may also be due to somewhat different adaptations. Tune in, this isn’t one to miss! 00:00 Functional fitness and re-introducing Dr Pak 4:46 Powerlifting, specificity, and low back strength Androulakis-Korakakis 2021 Comparison of Isolated Lumbar Extension Strength in Competitive and No