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S3 Ep13: Katamari Damacy Reroll & Product Placement in Games (Impossible Mission 63)



The first half of the show has Rob & Prob talk about some of the games we've been playing - otherwise known as Monthly Games Marmalade on YouTube, because Games Jam, geddit?. Which includes the likes of Katamari Damacy Reroll, Thumper & Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition. Then, we hop on over to a more traditional impossible mission episode for this collected feed. On which we do this. Capitalism! Isn't it great? Join us as we discuss how those sneaky games publishers have put full-blown adverts in our games and in some cases, turned games into the actual adverts. Ah, the 90s, they were the worst. DEBUTED ON OUR YOUTUBE DECEMBER 2020, NEARLY UP TO DATE NOW... If you like the podcast, send some support by visiting our PATREON. Alternatively, give us a 5-star rating and/or review wherever you get your podcasts from, it helps other people find our podcast. The more feedback we have, the more people can enjoy our video games chatter. #podernfamily #gamesjam #katamaridamacy #productplacement #judgment #ps